Transforming Tech: Reverside’s COO Blueprint for a Diverse and Inclusive Future

By Cressundra Alvës, Chief Operating Officer

May 17, 2024 | Reversidian TechInsight

At Reverside, we believe that creating and cultivating a diverse and inclusive workplace is crucial to driving progress and achieving our overall goals for the success of our three-way partnership: employee- client – employer. Our focus has always been on creating an Employee- First organisation with a continuous emphasis on empowerment, diversity and inclusion. With technology evolving at a tremendous speed, diversity and inclusion have become top priorities, contributing significantly to the success and innovation of our organisation. Our aim is to be a leading example within the tech industry, demonstrating a commitment to a transformative, diverse and inclusive technology workplace that drives progress and strives for success.

Creating an Inclusive Culture

Our objective has always been to ensure that employees feel welcomed, valued and most importantly respected from diverse backgrounds. This allowed us to form several strategies to ensure the execution:

1. Enhance Employee Engagement

Creating a diverse workforce allows our organization to outperform less diverse ones. A diverse workforce brings more creativity due to a variety of ideas, perspectives, skills and work experiences. Our employees are more engaged because they know their suggestions are welcomed and heard without judgment.

2. Open Communication

Open communication is one of our core company values and is instilled in our employees throughout their lifecycle with the company. Its important for employees to share their experiences and perspectives to help us understand different viewpoints and address any concerns promptly.

3. Inclusive Policies

We have incorporated policies that promote inclusivity, such as flexible working arrangements, leave and anti-discrimination policies. These policies are designed to support employees from diverse backgrounds and ensure equal opportunities for all.

4. Leadership Commitment

We are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organisation. We regularly communicate the importance of these values and ensure they are embedded in our company’s mission and vision.

We believe that when employees trust us, the results are:

  • “Sunday Anxiety” because a thing of the past, with employees looking forward to coming to work.
  • Employees showcase their best performance, taking pride in their work, which leads to increased productivity and creative ideas.
  • Improved retention rates of talented employees.
  • Employees are forthcoming in sharing and transferring knowledge within their workspace and communities.

Diverse Hiring Practices

Building a diverse organisation requires attracting talent from various backgrounds. At Reverside, we have taken a certain number of initiatives to ensure our hiring practices are unbiased and inclusive:

1. Unbiased Recruitment Processes

We have implemented policies, measures and practices to eliminate biases in our recruitment process. To name a few this included using diverse interview panels and standardized interview questions and assessments to ensure fair evaluations.

2. Outreach and Partnerships

We actively reach out to underrepresented communities and partner with organisations that support diversity in technology. By participating in job fairs, workshops and networking events, we aim to attract a wide range of candidates.

3. Skills Development Strategy: Initiative (1) Learnership and Internships

One of our initiatives within our Skills Development Strategy is on Learnerships and Internships where we aim to positively impact the unemployment rate among youth from diverse backgrounds by offering these opportunities. We believe by creating access to these opportunities and providing the necessary support, tools, knowledge and skills we help young people secure sustainable employment.


Supporting Career Development

As our focus is on creating an Employee- First organisation, we are continuously committed to the professional and personal growth of our employees. By keeping them up-to-date with current trends and evolving technologies, we ensure they remain relevant in their respective markets, increasing their chances of sustained employability. We offer mentorship programs, workshops and ongoing training in both technical and leadership development.

Measuring and Celebrating Success

To ensure our diversity and inclusion efforts are effective, we set metrics to track our progress regularly:

1. Setting Goals

We established clear and achievable diversity and inclusion goals that align with our company’s overall objectives. These goals are communicated across the organisation.

2. Tracking Progress

We use various tools to track our progress and identify areas for improvement, such as analysing workforce demographics, conducting employee satisfaction surveys, and monitoring retention rates.

3. Celebrating Milestones

We celebrate our achievements and milestones in diversity and inclusion. Recognising and rewarding the efforts of our employees reinforces the importance of these values and motivates everyone to continue working towards our goals.

At Reverside, our commitment to diversity, inclusion and empowerment is not just a strategic initiative but the core of our organisation principles. By creating and executing an inclusive culture, implementing diverse hiring practices and supporting continuous career development, we aim to set a benchmark in the tech industry. Our blueprint for a diverse future hinge on open communication, unbiased recruitment, and robust support systems that empower our employees to thrive.

As we navigate the fast-paced world of technology, we remain dedicated to our mission to build a workplace where every individual feels valued and respected. This journey is a collaborative effort, driver by our dedication to developing talent from all backgrounds and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to contribute and succeed. By measuring our progress and celebrating our milestones, we not only reinforce the importance of these values but also motivate our team to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence.

Together we are transforming and paving the way for a future where diversity and inclusion are the cornerstones of progress and success.

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